Leaving psychological side of “power” of imagination aside here (another topic for another time). I have to admit, I struggle a lot with imagining things in my daily life. for example when my partner is explaining to me how the plans of our house will look like and asks my opinion “so what do you think, will the wall look good here or better there?” After my silence combined with making big eyes at him, he looks at me and says: “just imagine… don’t you see it?” No I don’t, but thanks for checking in. Every time! He should know better by now I feel quite trapped. My head refuses and I go into usual “freeze” mode with a lot of self- frustration. I accept this side of me and rely on professionals and endless resources on the internet for inspiration.
Same principle is at work when it comes to human physiology and movement. Did you know that you can train “in your head”? There are scientific studies showing that professional dancers that practiced the steps mentally, while being injured and having to take obligatory rest periods — performed almost as good as the dancers that didn’t take a break. The same study shows similar outcomes with piano players! This indicates that we can train our neuromuscular system and by consequence- train movement even when we don’t move. Read that again! Imagination is a powerful tool.
What about yourself? Are you good at imagining? Have you ever repeated (dance) moves in your head?

The way we move is the way we live

Live practice for happy spine, mother-daughter edition

Movement celebration practice

Powerful practice to shift from tension to ease