Immersive movement workshops, in-person and online. Online coaching — functional training — postural training

Discovering the Core Self & cultivating belonging through breathing

Immersive worksop in Leuven (BE)

Movement is life. Improve the quality of movement and you improve the quality of life itself ~ M. Feldenkrais

Saturday 19/10 in Leuven I will be facilitating an immersive workshop where we will explore the power of our breathing and create more ease and comfort within our bodies.


This workshop is for you if:

  • you are curious to learn more about the physiology of respiration and discover how optimal breathing can transform your posture and your emotional state
  • you feel a lot of build up tension in your body, that stays there even after stretching and mobility work 
  • you feel tired and restless 
  • you experience recurring lower back pain, stuck neck, shoulder tension 
  • you are looking for new ways to work with your body and are ready to dive deep and get curious about movement 
  • you are not looking for a “magic pill” or “one perfect exercise” that will solve all of your problems
  • you want to discover effective tools you can practice at home
  • you want to share a safe space with like minded women, where you are free to experiment with movement and get warm support from fellow movers
Immersive movement workshops, in-person and online. Online coaching — functional training — postural training

What you get

  • basic knowledge of physiology of respiration, where we will test together to see how your breathing pattern works and what can be improved
  • somatic movement practice where I will guide you to explore your breathing and how it affects your posture and your emotions
  • effective tools and specific exercises to increase the mobility of the ribcage & chest and help you release tension around diaphragm
  • expansion of your current capacity to feel grounded and belonging within your body 
  • experience of being in a group of like minded women and feeling safe and seen

After this workshop you will 

  • feel lightness and ease
  • go home with a set of tools to continue improving your breathing pattern and further cultivating the knowledge and understanding of how your body works and what it is saying to you

Practical information

  • When: Saturday 19/10 at 15.00, 90 min 
  • Where: DC Pole Studio Leuven (Sint-Antoniusberg 6, 3000 Leuven)
  • Investment from you:  30 euro*

*At the door on the day of the event you pay 35 euro, if you pay via the platform up-front the price is 30 euro. 

 Who are the classes suitable for?

  • You find it difficult to feel your body, like the body is “not your own”
  • You are curious for new ways to move, wanting to move away from the traditional “just do it” approach and you are ready to move in the way that feels good 
  • You have aches that prevent you from performing daily tasks like climbing stairs, doing chores or going after your dream hobbies: hiking, skiing, walking, surfing.
  • You suffer from recurring headaches, back and neck pain,  incontinence when sneezing or laughing, hallux valgus (bunions on the big toes), knee pain, chronic fatigue
  • You are an active non-professional athlete and you feel that there is a missing link in your training causing recurring injuries, overall tension in the body
  • You are not looking for a magic pill to solve all of your issues, you are looking for a long-term solution 
  • Whatever is your age or gender — you are welcome to join, as long you are open to learn and curious enough to try!
  • You have 1 hour / week that you are committed to dedicate to yourself 
Always consult your physician first, before starting your workout journey with me.


Please take a few moments to read this. Beware that while movement is medicine and it has amazing effects on our body and on our mind, it is your responsibility to assess if you require medical assistance. I am not a doctor, nor a physiotherapist, so if you experience any discomfort and pain before starting to work with me, always consult your doctor first and inform me of your current condition. THis is the foundation of trust and mutual respect to start working together. 

  • Any kind of acute pain: wait until the inflammation period is over, before starting working out and always consult your doctor first  
  • Pregnancy: my classes are not specifically designed to sustain you throughout / just after your pregnancy  
  • Chronical diseases: please consult your doctor first 
  • Diastasis of more than 4 cm 
  • You have undergone an operation less than 8 weeks ago  
  • Less than 6 weeks after giving a natural birth  
  • Osteoporosis


Immersive workshop in Belgium (Leuven) on 19 October. Info & subscription here

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